EarthCode (2024)

A decentralized system that democratizes the carbon offset market by allowing private forest owners to contribute to climate action

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InnovationRCA's LaunchPad Programme 2024 

EarthCode democratizes the carbon offset market using a decentralized, low-power LiDAR scanner to create tamper-proof codes for each tree. The transparent system enhances carbon credit credibility, enabling private forest owner to contribute to climate action.

EarthCode uses a handheld 2D LiDAR scanner to capture detailed images of tree bark, creating unique Bark-Codes. The system emits laser pulses to map the bark surface, producing a detailed texture map. This data identifies tree characteristics like health, species, age, and more. The Bark-Code represents these attributes with color-coded bars and is used on an online platform for trading carbon credits, ensuring accuracy and reliability. Instead of scanning the entire tree, EarthCode scans a specific part of the trunk (tree ring).

Forest owners receive incentives based on scan frequency and excellence in forest management. By following the "Improved Forest Management" approach for trees over 25 years old, there is no concern about changes in tree shape, as their growth has stabilized. This ensures the consistency and reliability of the Bark-Codes. Additionally, forest owners can directly connect with end buyers, streamlining the carbon credit trading process.

PERA (2024) 

Maria Asif
Hanju Seo
Sven Winkler von Stiernhielm
Alexander Spencer

The world’s first smart health assistant for people with bowel incontinence.

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Third Prize in WE Innovate 2024, the women-led start-up accelerator run by Imperial Enterprise Lab.

Pera is a wearable device that tracks digestion for people with bowel incontinence. It offers real-time continuous monitoring that can predict passing stool 40 minutes in advance to prevent accidents. Pera gives freedom back to people with incontinence.

Pera is completely non-invasive. The device discreetly adheres with a patch to a user’s lower tummy and analyses bowel sound activity in real-time. This is achieved using trained machine learning models that filter ambient background noise out and recognise bowel sounds with 97% accuracy.

The device houses a custom ‘Smart Ear’ sensor array, alongside membrane components and a Li-ion battery. The recyclable housing has a simple on/off button, is smooth to the touch and can be easily cleaned. After an initial 2-week stage of model personalisation, the unique bowel patterns of a user can be correlated with time in relation to passing stool. Predictions can then be given. The device is paired with an app that guides users through device placement, initial information logging, and delivers timely and customisable notifications to a user’s phone or smart-watch.

Being a Giraffe (2023) 

A VR kit with controllers that transforms zoo visits into interactive conservation education, enhancing empathy and understanding of giraffes and ecosystems.

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2024 Innovate UK Immersive Tech Awards - Best Technical Innovation

2023 Exhibition at HSBC HQ London

2022 AcrossRCA Project from
Royal College of Art

2023 Solo-X project from Imperial College London / Royal College of Art

Being a Giraffe is a VR experience with controllers that simulates giraffe life, enhancing empathy and awareness. It addresses the 30% decline in giraffe populations since the 1980s by promoting active learning and environmental stewardship.

Being a Giraffe integrates advanced VR technology with a physical controller designed to simulate the experience of being a giraffe. The system uses Unreal Engine to create a realistic African savannah environment where users, equipped with VR headsets and a giraffe-like controller, navigate through life-like challenges. These challenges include foraging and interacting with the ecosystem, all designed to provide an immersive, multi-sensory educational experience.

This setup not only allows users to see and hear what a giraffe would but also to physically move like one, enhancing both the realism and educational value of the experience.

NovaHive (2022)

A digitally-gleaned, beeswax beehive designed for sustainable bee protection and research

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2022 Renovators Shortlist Award from OPPO

20.09.22-25.09.22 20th London Design Festival
OPPO Renovators 2022-Emerging Artists Project, Cromwell Place Lavery Studio, London

08.10.21-10.10.21 Design Korea 2021-Korea+Sweden Young Design Award, Seoul 

NovaHive is a speculative design project that combines natural and digital techniques to create a protective, research-oriented beehive. This stone-shaped beehive, constructed using a two-layer structure, leverages beeswax for the inner honeycomb and translucent resin for the outer shield.

The design is inspired by the instinctive behaviors of East Asian honeybees, with the form of the beehive mirroring that of stones, a common nesting location for these bees. This was achieved through "digital gleaning" – scanning, modifying, and 3D printing natural stone structures to create a bee-friendly design.

Key to this project is the use of beeswax, a sustainable byproduct of the honeybee life cycle, in constructing the honeycomb, emphasizing the "from bees to bees" principle. Furthermore, the outer resin shield not only offers protection but also allows for observational research into bees' construction processes.

Mandarin Language Learning Module (2023)

An interactive tool for Mandarin pronunciation and handwriting practice using dynamic visualizations.

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Cyber Physical Systems 2022 from
Imperial College London and
Royal College of Art
The project by Hanju Seo, Sabrina Tian, and Xinyi Zhou introduces an innovative system that utilizes Wekinator and 3D visualizations to aid in learning Mandarin Chinese pronunciation and character writing.

The system demonstrates the correct stroke order and pronunciation for several elementary Mandarin characters.

Supplementary materials like codes and 3D models are provided for further development and replication.

“ What if every tree had its own fingerprint?”

Non-Tag Tree Tracking for Carbon Markets


Non-Tag Tree Tracking for Carbon Markets

Project Duration

Started in January 2024 · Ongoing

My Roles

Project Creator, Designer, Developer, Researcher

What if a forest could ID itself?

EarthCode tackles this question by creating a non-invasive, tag-free solution for tracking trees and verifying carbon credits. Developed as my thesis project for the MA/MSc Innovation Design Engineering programme at the Royal College of Art & Imperial College London, EarthCode revolutionizes how forests are managed and monitored—without leaving a footprint.

이미지 하나만 고를것.


Forests Are Already Speaking—We Just Aren’t Listening

For decades, we’ve slapped tags, nails, and markers onto trees, thinking we were doing right by nature. Millions of plastic and metal tags later, we’re left with forests cluttered by our well-intentioned waste. Carbon emissions from manufacturing these tags? Off the charts. Physical damage to the very trees we’re trying to protect? Ironically high.

So, here’s the question: Does sustainable forest management really need to come at this cost?


A Wisdom as Old as the Forests Themselves

Hundreds of years ago, the Sámi people of northern Europe tracked their forests without leaving a trace. They didn’t need metal or plastic—they just looked at the trees.

Bark patterns told them everything they needed to know. EarthCode picks up where the Sámi left off, merging ancient wisdom with future-forward technology.


EarthCode—Let the Trees Do the Talking

로고 지울 것. 왜 130cm/ 15cm로 하는지도 보여줄 것.

Forget the tags, forget the nails. EarthCode is a revolution in forest management, using AI and spatial mapping to scan and track trees through their unique bark patterns. Each tree has a story—it’s written in its bark—and EarthCode is here to read it.

Imagine this: Instead of piercing a tree with a metal tag, you simply scan its bark. No harm, no waste, just pure, unfiltered data straight from nature itself.


Small Forest Owners Stuck in a System That Doesn't Work

Small forest owners want to join the carbon offset market, but traditional methods are expensive, complicated, and invasive. They’ve been left out of the solution, watching as larger entities monopolize the benefits. And here’s the kicker: these small owners manage vast portions of the world’s forests.

이미지 정돈해서 가로 긴 레이아웃을 만들 것.


EarthCode Empowers Small Forest Owners

EarthCode isn’t just for governments or massive corporations. It’s designed for the little guy. By making tree tracking as easy as scanning a fingerprint, EarthCode gives small forest owners access to the carbon markets—without the invasive, costly methods of the past.

How It Works

From Bark to Data in Seconds

  • Scan the bark.

  • Get the data.

  • Track everything: species, location, carbon storage, and even health.

gif로 올릴 것.

It’s all there—without a single tag, nail, or scar left on the tree. This is nature’s own system, reimagined for the modern world.

The Process

Field Testing Across the Globe

We’ve taken EarthCode to forests in the UK, Finland, and South Korea—capturing bark data, testing our device, and refining the tech. Each scan brings us closer to the ultimate goal: a world where forests can manage themselves.

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각 요소 어떤 역할 하는 지 표시할 것. 

Next Step

Scaling the Vision Globally

EarthCode is in its pilot phase, but we’re ready to expand. Our mission? To democratize forest management, giving every forest owner—from the smallest to the largest—the tools to protect their land and contribute to the fight against climate change.

What If Trees Could Manage Themselves?

Well, with EarthCode, they almost can.